I've been a registered Democrat for the six years that I've been old enough to vote, but Mr. Obama's recent budget is the $3 trillion straw that broke the camel's back. I see now that our federal government is bloated and weighed down with unnecessary federal programs that cost too much of my money and yours. I say we start cutting.
Let's start with the Department of Transportation. We probably have a few decades until the interstates crumble into completely useless paths of rubble, certainly not our problem now. Next, let's get rid of the Environmental Protection Agency. I have no problem trusting that major factories will do the right thing and dispose of their waste properly rather than dumping it into municipal water sources, even if it means extra cost to them. We don't need a government agency to enforce those standards, those who run the factories know in their hearts what's right and wrong.
While we're on the subject, let's get rid of every government agency that meddles its pesky little way into free enterprise. The Food and Drug Administration is a major violator here. If Pfizer says their drugs are safe then dammit they're safe. I mean they manufacture drugs, I think they know a thing or two about them. If General Mills claims the plants where they manufacture our cereal and Easy Mac are up to the highest standards of cleanliness, who are we to question that? Creating a government mandated set of standards and spending our money to enforce them is just plain socialism. If Pfizer makes a dangerous drug that kills some folks, people will stop buying their drugs and they'll go out of business. That's the free market bitches. It'll sort itself out.
The list just goes on and on, but the point is that the government is too damn big. If you think about it, all we really need for a federal government is a strong, stoic Republican president and a tough Republican Congress to make sure nobody starts any expensive federal programs and to declare war whenever we need to remind all those faggy Europeans how big our God given American dicks are. Just because the majority of Americans voted for and continue to support that Muslim socialist doesn't mean a damn thing. The majority of Americans are stupid, lazy and just looking for a handout. If they weren't, they'd be rich like us.
So that is why I'm leaving the party of heavy-handed socialist government. America is all about freedom and the Republican party is the party of personal freedom; unless of course you're a gay wanting to get married, a woman with an unwanted pregnancy, an American citizen of Middle Eastern descent wanting to have a private phone conversation, or, God forbid, a poor Mexican wanting to come to the land of opportunity to provide a better life for your family like our ancestors did. But the personal freedoms of those people pale in comparison to the rights of good, God fearing rich folk to not give anymore of the money they worked so hard to earn, steal or inherit to a socialist government that will just use it undermine the free market and give handouts to the lazy and uneducated.
Samuel L. Jackson is a punk ass motherfucker.
15 years ago